Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Free Time? How Nice...

Ahh... a way of life that actually allows for things like updating a blog! It's been so long since I've posted that I couldn't even remember what site I had signed up for blogging. Thank you Facebook for having records of things I post. The fact that September was the last time I posted is a good indicator of how life has been since then. TOO MUCH! After much, much time weighing pros and cons, I finally made the hard decision to quit my management job at Ann Taylor. I worked up until Thanksgiving, and then became a substitute teacher at Palmetto Christian Academy. Why change so soon? Part time quickly became 35 hours (only 3 hours less than my full-time bosses who received salary), and I was being taken advantage of at work. Long commute due to downtown parking and stressful shifts led to long days away from home, snappier conversations with the husband, and less willingness to take care of my other responsibilities. Poor Hunley was suffering from long days at home and little "parenting" as well. (A naughty dog just added to the stress!) We even considered getting rid of Hunley at one point because we were simply at our wit's end. We prayed that God would intervene if He didn't want us to give up Hunley, and He did! She is still with us, as adorable yet needy as ever.

We had a scare with her a few weeks ago. She was bit by a not-so-nice dog at the dog park in our apartment complex - tearing her left ear about 1 inch in. After howling and bolting around the fence, I grabbed her to find blood gushing from her ear. She filled 10 paper towels full of blood! She kept shaking her head trying to get the pain off, which left me covered in blood. Two nice guys from the dog park helped me get her to the emergency vet, where she was sedated and given stitches. She recovered really easily, so we were simply entertained by her "cone of shame" and silly pain-medicated behavior.

I have been busy with photography! I had several shoots in November, including my first wedding!! I am pursuing this career with the belief that God will provide the clients I am supposed to have - whether few or many. He is blessing me beyond what I ever imagined! Steve is considering going back to school to improve his computer science skills. Where that will lead we are not sure, but for now we are committed to Charleston and enjoying our time here until God makes a clear statement that we should be doing otherwise.

For most, Christmas has come and gone, but our holiday is only half over! We will spend Christmas with my family in less than 2 weeks!  We spent Christmas day and the surrounding days with Steve's family in Greenville. It was such a nice, relaxing weekend! Lots of quality time, good fun, and tasty food filled our days in the upstate. Thanks to Steve's AMAZING website - GiftDibs.com - Christmas shopping was a breeze, and I got the best presents ever! Nothing to return, exchange, or hide in a closet!

There were a few emotional moments during our time there though, mostly due to my processing of emotional stress that I hadn't acknowledged since moving to Charleston. I am accustomed to change because of several moves growing up and transferring schools/studying abroad. However, graduating, moving, and getting married all within one week did me in! In addition, I didn't really get to be "the new kid in town" since Steve had already been in Charleston for a year, meaning less need to be taken under-wing by those around me. Our reaction to my self-reflection has been to take a couple steps back, so we are re-prioritizing and reorganizing. It has been so refreshing and so appropriate for bringing in the new year. I am looking forward to what 2011 has to bring. Our very first year without singleness! WOO!

Happy New Year to our family and friends that are so dear to us!